Our Christmas
Christmas 2023
At Christmas 2023, the Auxílio e Amizade Association once again celebrated the holiday season with a spirit of solidarity and sharing. This year, we were able to distribute 74 Christmas hampers full of essential products, giving several families a more dignified and heart-warming Christmas. We also organised 40 snacks, creating moments of friendship and unity among all the attendees.
One of the new features this year was the inclusion of a Christmas Nativity Scene, which brought even more symbolism and enchantment to the event, reinforcing the Christmas atmosphere.
This initiative was only possible thanks to the support of ISPA, who kindly provided their own space, and we would like to thank them most sincerely.
To make the Christmas presents a reality, we had the precious collaboration of Daymon, EDP and Pingo Doce, as well as the essential support of our volunteers and friends, who gave their time and effort to make everything a success.
Christmas 2023 at the Association was an example of generosity and unity, and we would like to thank everyone who contributed in some way to making this a special time for so many families.

Nativity scene at AAA
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Christmas 2022
At Christmas 2022 , the Auxílio e Amizade Association once again celebrated the holiday season with a spirit of solidarity and sharing. This year, we were able to distribute 68 Christmas hampers full of essential products, giving several families a more dignified and heart-warming Christmas. We also organised 28 snacks, creating moments of friendship and unity among all the attendees.
This initiative was only possible thanks to the support of Goethe-Institut, who kindly provided their own space, and we would like to thank them most sincerely.
To make the Christmas presents a reality, we had the precious collaboration of BNP Paribás, a Daymon, a EDP, o Rotaract Lisboa, o Rotary Lisboa, as well as the essential support of our volunteers and friends, who gave their time and effort to make everything a success.
This was undoubtedly a Christmas that showed the true spirit of sharing and co-operation, and for this we thank everyone who contributed to the success of this action.