To make every effort to assist those who have needs and social difficulties and along with them seek to reach the potential for improving their dignity as person; To motivate our beneficiaries to believe that they are capable of transforming their lives; To help them build the path to their happiness, while friendly offering them the means to achieve their goals.
Our Vision
To be a reliable institution, which is respected by the citizens of the communities within our reach. For here is where we seek to help those who are in deep need.
Our Values
Our sense of affection, care, and compassion for the people we help comes out
spontaneously because we treat them as family.
We are respectful of the dignity, autonomy, and diversity of the people we help, and
recognise the needs, the potential, and the rights they are entitled to.
We convey a sense of confidence to the people we help, offering them support,
security, and hope.