How to help
Give and Take: is our best currency.
Please send us your tax Number whenever you donate to
I want to donate
MBway 919 353 300
IBAN PT50 00100 000 265 066 800 01 25
Taxpayers Number: 505 850 117
As a non-profit institution we rely on your generosity to carry on with our work.
Whether you are a legal entity or a single person, the Portuguese patronage law grants
you tax benefits.
You can also donate goods or equipment in need to deliver to our families.
Help us be transparent!
Make a transparent donation. Send us a private text to or to
facebook with you name and taxpayer number.
Donate friendship, donate comfort, donate solidarity, donate an incentive, donate
strength, donate a word. Make a difference in someone else’s life.
Receive a thank you, receive a smile, receive good news, receive a happy family,
receive an empowered woman, receive a child with no fear of the future.