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Charity Campaigns

Products of the Month

Products of the Month This month, we invite you to be part of our chain of solidarity! Our Product of the Month Campaign aims to raise essential foodstuffs to support families in need who face various challenges on a daily basis. Each month, you can choose one or more products from the list on display. Your contribution makes a huge difference to the lives of those who need it most. Join us in this cause! Contributing is simple, but the impact is immense. Contribute to the ‘Product of the Month’ campaign, share this message or get involved as a volunteer. Every gesture counts, and together we can ensure that no-one is left behind! Donate. Get involved. Change lives.


Ponto a Ponto

Ponto a Ponto The first edition of the Stitch to Stitch project took place between 2022 and 2023 and its aim was to provide students with theoretical and practical knowledge to enable them to recognise and analyse a given model and make the corresponding patterns and garments. A second edition of the Ponto a Ponto project is currently being developed, centred on Upcycling – a process that proposes the reuse of materials, fabrics and waste and their transformation into new products. Both editions were funded by Allianz Partners and took place in the Associação e Auxílio e Amizade’s sewing workshop.


Projeto Hit

Projeto HIT From October 2016 to November 2017, the Association co-promoted the HIT Project – Humanise, Intervene, Transform – together with the European Intercultural Club, as part of the Lisbon City Council’s BIP/ZIP 2016 Programme, as a result of the partnership work between the various entities that make up the EFE NETWORK – Educação, Training and Employment (Beato, Areeiro), such as Beato Parish Council, Aga Khan Foundation, Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa, K’Cidade Programme, UPAJE – Union for Cultural and Youth Educational Action, CDI Portugal, Olaias School Group, António Arroio Art School, ‘Viver Melhor no Beato’ Residents’ Association. This project took place in Olaias, in the Carlos Botelho neighbourhood), involving activities with around 262 young people up to the age of 35. Language classes (English, Spanish, Italian and French).dance and theatre classes; CDI Community, which resulted in a song to raise awareness of bullying. Attending to and responding to the individual needs of young people, with training referrals and help finding a job. Promotion of 3 Erasmus+ exchanges, two in Spain and one in Portugal. Creation, development and implementation of 5 Community Intervention projects in the area (‘Father, Mother, Shall We Talk?’; ‘An Adventure in Search of a Direction’; ‘Find Our Spot’; ‘Re-Creative Station’; ‘Radio Multi’ – the Association continued to support the development of Radio Multi at the Olaias School throughout 2018). A three-week summer holiday programme for children from the neighbourhood. 15 young people completed the Summer Camp Animators Course, certified by UPAJE. 13 young people took part in the Local Leaders and Animators Course.workshops (Self-Awareness, Self-Esteem, Basic Emotions and Conflict Management, Job Search Techniques, CV and Cover Letter Writing, Life Project Construction) both at EB 2/3 das Olaias and at ‘Employability Week’ – an initiative also created as part of the project. 17 young people took part in study visits to 8 companies to give them real contact with the professional reality.



ReLove Reinventing materials and affections: this is the mark we want to leave. A project of love for recycling. A project of love for the self-esteem and self-sustainability of those who need to be socially reintegrated into the community. Visit us at


Força em Familia

Força em Familia The Força em Família project is funded by the European Social Fund – Innovative and/or Experimental Projects in the Social Area, with the support of REDE DLBC Lisboa, of which AAA is a member. The project aims to promote family strengths and healthy, responsible parenting, which lead to greater social inclusion for families with younger children. To this end, we have developed recreational-pedagogical workshops for parents and children and sessions for parents that enable them to: solve their children’s behavioural problems; answer questions about education; increase family strengths and skills; improve parent-child emotional relationships; increase family participation and access to resources in their community. The project is aimed at families with children aged 3 to 12 in the following areas: Alfama, Mouraria, Castelo, Graça/Sapadores, Quinta do Ferro (S. Vicente). Project file Project name: Força em Família Project code: Lisboa-06-4740-FSE-000260 Main Objective: To promote family strengths and healthy and responsible parenting, which lead to greater social inclusion of families with minor children. Region of Intervention: Lisbon Metropolitan Area Beneficiary: Associação Auxílio e Amizade Intermediary partner: DLBC – Lisbon Community-Based Local Development Network Start date: 01/02/2021 Completion date: 31/08/2023 Total eligible cost: 72813.16 ESF funding: 50% Information and Communication Guide for Beneficiaries Specific objectives Increase family competences by 50 per cent with a view to individual and family resilience processes;Strengthen and increase the quality of affective relationships between parents and children by 50 per cent; Prevent punitive or negligent parenting styles by 60 per cent through positive parenting; Improve the quality of families’ relationships with their community by 50 per cent, increasing their sense of belonging; Favour families’ identification of and access to existing resources in their communities by 50%, so that they feel more included. Activities and Results The Força em Família project is funded by the European Social Fund – Innovative and/or Experimental Projects in the Social Area, with the support of REDE DLBC Lisboa, of which AAA is a member. The project aims to promote family strengths and healthy, responsible parenting, which lead to greater social inclusion for families with younger children. To this end, we have developed recreational-pedagogical workshops for parents and children and sessions for parents that enable them to: solve their children’s behavioural problems; answer questions about education; increase family strengths and skills; improve parent-child emotional relationships; increase family participation and access to resources in their community. The project is aimed at families with children aged 3 to 12 in the following areas: Alfama, Mouraria, Castelo, Graça/Sapadores, Quinta do Ferro (S. Vicente). Play Workshop Story Workshop Parents’ Workshop Emotions Workshop Board Game Creation Community Workshops Individualised Parental Counselling Home Monitoring Evaluation and Monitoring As a result of this project, we will have more structured and healthier families, contributing to children’s healthy psycho-emotional development and minimising the effect of poverty, which is perpetuated through transgenerationality. The work carried out will minimise the effects of the low qualifications of parents/significant figures, favouring the social integration of children and their families. At the end of the project, what will be left on the ground are families that are more empowered and more involved in their community with a view to greater cohesion, and a board game with a recreational-pedagogical purpose and the prevention of risk behaviours, which will be replicated with other families in these territories and others.


Estamos Juntos

Estamos Juntos The project was based on the problems identified by the 2017-2020 Social Development Plan (CLAS-Lx), namely the high number of children signalled by the CPCJ for abuse, continued risk and chronic stress. The project ran from 2019 to 2020 with families living in the parish of Arroios (mainly Anjos and Pena) and received financial support from Lisbon City Council – BIP/ZIP Programme. Objectives: To create a parenting support programme with a collaborative approach based on family strengths; Prevent punitive or negligent parenting styles; Prevent risk situations for children between 0 and 10 years old; To produce a book of children’s stories created by the project families and illustrated by the participating children; Draw up a manual of good parental support practices for technicians based on family strengths. The project was organised by a psychologist, a social worker and volunteers and its areas of intervention were basic needs in the field of psychological support and the training of family structures, competences and parental responsibilities.


Tecidos de Autonomia II

Tecidos de Autonomia II Following the first edition of the Fabrics of Autonomy project (2016), a second edition was developed in 2017 with the aim of promoting technical, personal, social and entrepreneurial skills. The project was aimed at unemployed women and had the following objectives: Diagnosis of the local fabric in the field of sewing and haute couture; Developing the skills mentioned above and promoting empowerment; Passing on the know-how of the art of darning, ironing and embroidery, which favoured the protection and revival of traditional crafts at risk of disappearing and the training of a new generation capable of continuing a cultural legacy; The creation of a social fashion brand (Re-love), which valued the clothing and accessories produced in the Modelling Course and the Embroiderers’ Workshop and made it possible to market them; The fashion show involving graduates and the garments they produced. The AAA’s sewing workshop was used to continue the Embroiderers’ Workshop and to produce garments for the social brand created. The workshop ran free of charge for unemployed people and had a participation fee for other interested parties. Sewing and pattern-making workshops were held, the proceeds of which went towards paying the pattern-maker/trainer who accompanied the production and marketing of the garments under the brand. The reuse and transformation of used items (clothes/textiles that are donated to the AAA) was a focus throughout the course and the fashion show with the garments produced by the trainees was a way of raising awareness in the community and publicising the project.


Tecidos de Autonomia

Tecidos de Autonomia From October 2016 to October 2017, the Association promoted this project in partnership with the Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Politicas, under the Lisbon City Council’s BIP/ZIP Programme, which funded the project 100%. Creation of the Sewing Atelier (made it possible to repair used and broken sewing machines and buy new machines, accessories and furniture). Three editions of the Beginners’ Sewing Course. Each edition included 204 hours of training in technical sewing skills and 36 hours in personal and social skills, helping a total of 20 unemployed women. 204 pieces of fabric produced, for their own use and for sale, which resulted in €475 for the trainees. Creation of a social business – Atelier de Costura ‘Linhas com Arte’, which provides sewing services, giving rise to 4 jobs (graduates).

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