How to help How to help How to donate Choose which type of donation is best for you!Set your footprint on the journey of solidarity. Learn More How to help Fines and Penalties Join us on this journey of love and solidarity, turning penalties into opportunities.Every fine or penalty redirected to charity is one step towards the common good.Thank you for making the best choice! Learn More How to help Become a volunteer Use your passion and devotion to transform lives! Become a volunteer and help us make a difference. As a volunteer you can learn, grow, and contribute to a greater good.We look forward to having you on our team!Click below to fill in the form I want to be a volunteer How to help Spread the word about us Spreading the word about who we are and what we do is a way of extending our mission to the community.Each time you mention our name, you’ll be paying a good service to anyone in need.Help us reach more people.